The Nile River

Wednesday 15 October 2014


Continuing our World History study, we read about the people of Egypt and the richness of the Nile River.  We pinpoint the location of the river in the map and how the civilization of the Egyptians started in this great river.

After reading Chapter 2 of the SOTW, we proceeded immediately with the mini-projects it suggested. One of which is creating a model of the Nile River.  We could have done this outside, but the weather has been really terrible this week so we made use of our art crafts at home and whatever we could find to make our model as close to the description of the river.

Below in the picture, Mavi using blue crepe paper for the river forming a delta going to the Mediterranean Sea.  Here we discussed what is a “delta”.  A good review of our landform lesson.


He added some playdough to plant our mini trees (from our front yard) and made pyramids out of LEGO bricks.


I added accent to his project by painting the base with green paint to represent some lush farmlands. And this completed his Nile River Project!


Next I will be sharing our map work and the first mummies :D

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