Teeny Weeny Tot School

Thursday 2 October 2014

Vito is 10 months.

I decided to start sharing what Vito has been doing.  He just can’t stop moving, the main reason why I would hesitate to take his pictures.  Major milestones as of the moment (1) he starts to walk (2) he can say “mama” and “dy” (3) and can follow certain hand gestures/signs. 

Here’s Vito practicing how to remove the disk from the pole.  He couldn’t figure it out yet so he would just turn the pole into different directions so the disk will come out. And once they’re out he would line them up on one side. 


Here, I’m showing him how to stack the disk.  All he could ever do is how to remove the disk from the stack LOL.


Open and Close.  He’s practicing how to open the container and closing it.  To encourage Vito, I place a horse figure so he can try to take it out from the container.

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We’ve been reading books for months, so he knows how to navigate through the pages of the books.  This is a good practice for the pincer grasp as well.

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He talks a lot when he holds a book and loves to point at the pictures!

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Duplo Transfer.  An unsuccessful activity LOL. He’s move interested on the bowl rather than the Duplo.  We’ll try this again though, using different materials this time.


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