Jericho, the First City in LEGO Bricks

Wednesday 8 October 2014

After reading the first chapter of The Story of the World Vol 1, Mavi created this. This is how he interprets Jericho, the first city built by the earliest people (nomads) who became farmers in the Fertile Crescent. 

“Soon, farmers discovered that it was best to build houses close together so they could help each other to water and tend their fields. These were the first villages.”


“Because they were afraid that they may be attacked and robbed by bandits, they built stone walls around their villages. These were the first cities.”

I will post the rest of the activities we did in line with the SOTW Earliest People.

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History and Geography


  1. My kids always love it when we use Legos for history. Hopping over from History/Geography linkie.
