Tot School Snippets Week 1: Ice

Monday 1 February 2016

I was reading my old blog the other day (private) and I am amazed on how I recorded Mavi’s learning curve week by week. Mavi enjoys reading that blog now! I just have to say that it is quite different when you have one child, you have focus, you have MORE time  and well,  I was organized.  Now, I’m managing and engineering a bigger household, with a school boy and a hyperactive toddler, I barely have time to blog. 

So  now, I will start writing about Vito’s activities in a week. I have to put a little effort on this, for keeping memories and for Vito to read someday.  Currently, we’re not following schedule of doing totschool weekly.  There are days when we do a lot of activities, and there are times when I just whip anything that goes into  my mind. 

Vito is 26 months old.



This is still in line with Arctic Theme for the month of January.  I dumped some ice in a tray, place a sea lion and polar bear from Schleich and tiny bucket.. and he had a blast!


With just ice, he learned a lot of vocabulary words:

  • big and small
  • cold
  • slippery
  • melting
  • hard
  • DSC_0699

    COLOR:  Red and White

    I ran out of blue so I picked red and white.  Aside from painting, we also mix color to form pink.


    His first color mixing activity.



    Vito knows all his letters and the sounds they make, so we’re heading towards learning small and big letters and objects . The letters used here were from Melissa and Doug.  I have two sets.DSC_0770

    This was also the time we read the Alphabet Booklet and identify the objects starting with letter i.  You can refer to my post here about the baskets,  and booklets on my Sellfy Shop.  You can get them for free!

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    SHAPES:  Square

    Gluing cut out squares.  We are using the Maped scissors for kids (2yrs +).



    Lining up Hot Wheels cars, learning how to use the glue spreader, cutting using a real scissor (supervised) and using our miniland abacus.




    Oh Vito made a big letter i. 



    Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, Instagram or Twitter for updates!  More learning materials at Pinay Homeschooler Shop.


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