Exploring Fruits for Toddlers

Sunday 18 October 2015

Vito is 23 months old. 

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After, the zoo, farm animals and parts of the body, I decided to do a fruit unit for this little boy as he loves to name fruits whenever we are in the supermarket.  I like to come up with themed activities as it helps the child to expand their knowledge of certain objects and occasions, practice communication skills and improve their vocabulary.



Beginning Sounds. We’re using Hape Lowercase Puzzle.


Apple Prints. Color recognition and sensorial activity.


Bagging Fruits. A practical life activity that develops hand/eye coordination, concentration plus helping Mommy tidy up!  We’re using Learning Resources Fruit Counters.


Matching Real Objects with Pictures. Developing early discrimination skills (difference between objects), hand/eye coordination and concentration.  I made the fruit cards and you can get a copy from here or here.


Fruit Color Sorting using a Tong. Improving fine motor skills, pincer grasp, concentration and color recognition.


I love this tong from Ikea


As of the moment, our color sorting activity involves two colors, but I introduce one (new) color at a time.DSC_0767

He’s seriously concentrating.  Goodness!


Slicing a Banana. I was with him the whole time he’s doing this, reason why I don’t have an actual photo of the activity.  Another great practical life activity to introduce to kids.  This is an introductory activity of actual “slicing”, though we’ve done a lot of this using playdough.  He still has difficulty coordinating his hands.  We’ll get there though… need to practice more Smile


And that’s about it! Thanks once again for taking time to read through the post.  Don’t forget to PIN this for your reference.


Check me out on Pinterest for more toddler and themed activities.


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