Introduction to Multiplication

Sunday 5 April 2015


Mavi is doing well with Math. He loves to solve problems and create mathematical equations.  Now that he’s confident enough to go to the next level, I started introducing multiplication a few weeks back. 

Multiplication is quite overwhelming to a child. But with proper presentation and introduction, it’s as easy as adding 1-2-3, with a little bit of patterning.  Before getting here, I have exposed Mavi to skip counting and addition, thus he was able to grasp the concept and was able to connect the relationship between the three concepts. 

Basically, multiplication is just adding the same number multiple times.    I demonstrated this to Mavi using our counters.

Presentation 1:  Fruit Counters and Montessori Beads.   I used multiplication stories or statements as written below.

Multiplication 1

Presentation 2:  Fish Counters.  Everytime I present something, I keep on repeating our multiplication story (see the text in the image).

multi Presentation 3:  Safari Toob Dinosaurs.  One technique to get your kids interested is to use their favourite toys as well.  Then create multiplication stories, which makes it even more interesting.    


So this is just an introductory.  Making sure that Mavi can visualize what happens when you multiply objects and numbers.  After these presentation, we worked on some basic exercises and then proceeded to use the Montessori Multiplication Board (it deserves to have a separate post LOL). 


The month of April is dedicated to multiplication practice. We’ll be using the board and some beads as well. I do not intend for him to learn and memorize all the tables of multiplication at once.  My ultimate goal here is exposure and understanding the concept, unless he really enjoys it and wills to memorize everything on his own then I won’t stop him for doing so! LOL.

Pin it for later!



  1. Wow! This is such a great resource for teaching math. I need this. ;)
