Organic Shapes

Monday 22 October 2012

After learning all about lines, we moved to learning about organic shapes!


I came across an artwork (sorry forgot the link), and was inspired with the artworks they did, and this is where I got the idea.  So I don’t take credit for this idea and creativity :) Promise to post the link if I encounter it again.

First we tear up free form shapes from a piece of paper.  We use our hands to tear the papers, I realize that it’s difficult and tiring, especially for him.   Then painted them as we like.  DSC_0568


I added borders on my organic shapes.  And added a few more details for the border.DSC_0572   My son wants to glue his organic shapes on a piece of black paper.  He wants to add details by writing letters (Oh he’s still obsessed with them!).


And here’s my work :)  Since I got black borders, I glued mine on a piece of white paper.

DSC_0583 The end products looks awesome! 


Linking to:

Montessori Monday


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