Montessori Color Box #2

Sunday 24 January 2016

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Mavi is 26 months.

I recently purchased the Montessori Color Box #2 for Vito. I have a few Montessori sensorial materials that Mavi didn’t really find interesting and I was expecting Vito to have the same reaction to the color tablets.  But, I was wrong.  The moment I took it out, it was an instant hit! I was thinking all along that he doesn’t know his colors, but surprisingly he knows them by heart already!  He can match them perfectly but naming them is a hit or miss. He still calls them mostly “yellow” LOL.DSC_0086

As of the moment, I only introduced 4 colors to Vito:  yellow, red, blue and green.  Lately, he can identify orange, that’s because we kept on eating clementines and I refer to it as orange!  So the color tablets are actually for “formal” presentation of secondary and tertiary colors (well, that’s my plan). 

Activity 1:  3 Lesson Period of the Primary Colors plus Green.

I referenced our activity here.  We only worked on four colors: red, blue, yellow and green.  You can get this Montessori materials from Tower High Learning (UK) or Leader Joy USA


Activity 2:  Matching colored buttons to tablets.

I took out our Miniland Color Buttons for color matching. It doesn’t matter if you own a color tablet or not, you can create colored cards like what I did and we still use them for matching.  What I suggest though is you purchase a few color sorting materials if you can’t make your own. They’re worthit and saves you a lot of time! You can use them for color sorting and as counters.  I listed below the materials we owned and used as counters and for color sorting.




Activity 3:  Attempted to Introduce Secondary Colors (but failed!). He has other plans.

Now this is the part where I wanted to introduce the entire secondary colors using the 3 lesson period but failed.  He was not just into it! 


Instead, he took out all the tablets, ordered them according to pairs in this manner…


He ordered them in a domino position, in  pairs and in matching colors!  Well isn’t that great! Aside from learning how to match colors, it’s also a great practice of concentration and hand/eye coordination.


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  1. What fun! I'm so glad Vito is having fun with the color tablets. I didn't think my kiddos would like them either, but sure enough they did.

  2. I love how you added the buttons for matching. Those buttons are so cool

  3. So sweet! I love how Vito created his own game and really loved the color tablets. Little Bee seemed to really enjoy them as well. I think they feel wonderful to the touch.
