5 Activities to Learn about Australia

Tuesday 19 January 2016

In honor of Australia Day this January 26, we are having this week-long Australia Unit at home.  I am sharing our activities which I prepared for both of my boys:  Mavi 7yrs old and Vito 2yrs old.  They are simple and easy to replicate so I hope you take inspiration on any of these!

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1. Flag of Australia


DSC_04462.  Design your own boomerang


The boomerang was cut out from a Bookdepository cardboard.  I made lots of these as both of the boys enjoyed designing their boomerangs!


And later on in one corner, he started practising his scissor skills! Yes, he can control the scissors but can’t cut papers yet (only playdough).  By the way, he’s using a plastic scissors so you need not worry about it.


3.  Aboriginal Art


The lizard is just a product of random Google search.    We did a similar artwork years ago.

4.  Make your own Pavlova


This is inspired by Planting Peas’ sushi crafts.  We used cottons for the meringue and fruits toppers from Learning Resources.

5.  Reading and coloring our picture booklet


I am creating these picture booklets as of the moment, you’ve seen this already in my Culture and Tradition post.  This booklet is for reading, learning and coloring (make your own booklet) at the same time.


More about these booklets soon!

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  1. I'm so glad we could inspire. I love all these activities! Will bookmark and come back when we are ready for Australia!

  2. Love the booklets! I want some :)
