Landforms of the Arctic Circle and Antarctica

Thursday 7 January 2016

Both of the boys are learning about the Polar Regions this month.  I have shared our Polar Animals Sensory Bin last week, and today I’m sharing what Mavi has been working on.  While Vito is having tray works, Mavi on the otherhand is learning about the difference between the landforms of the Arctic Circle and the Antarctica.  This activity is vital in understanding the environmentin both regions.


So while Antartica is a huge land mass covered mostly in ice and located in the south pole, the Arctic Circle is mainly an area located in the north pole and includes several larger islands.  The islands in the Arctic region are comprised of Greenland, and borders of Canada, Russia and the Scandinavian countries.

Using plasticine (white for Antartica and green for Arctic) Mavi created the specific landforms for visual presentation.  We use these fact cards as  a guide.

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Seen below is Mavi’s interpretation of the Arctic and Antartica.    He added landform cards that best describes the Polar regions.  The landform cards we used were from Tower High Learning in the UK.  But if you are in the US, you can purchase this at Leader Joy USA a Montessori shop that provides premium quality materials at affordable prices.  You should visit the site as it is having a sale as of the moment!

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He’s checking his work by reading our fact cards which is included in Polar Activity Pack.

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More Polar-themed activities in the coming days as we progress, I promise to share it with you! Hope this post helps in inspiring you with your homeschool activities.

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  1. We love learning about the Polar Regions. This is great!

  2. I just love this idea for learning land forms, especially in relation to the differences between the Arctic and Antarctica! Fabulous post as always.
