DIY Animal Puzzle

Monday 1 June 2015

I used to have these bundles of colouring books from friends.  Once Mavi is done colouring them, my tendency is to put the books away or practically speaking, throw them in the trash.  Yes, I don't keep those as we don't have enough storage space in the house.

But one time, I came across Montessori wooden puzzles that I really really want Mavi to have. My problem at that time is that I don't have access to Montessori shops. So what I did was I cut out each parts of the animal puzzle in the book as seen on the picture below, and made Mavi form it just like a puzzle.

Frog Puzzle
Mavi working on a frog puzzle
It was actually a brilliant idea! Not only did he enjoy working it, I was able to make use of all the colouring book's pages for an educational activity!

Instead of just putting them together, I made him glue them on an outline which I made as a guide.

He was showing me the frog's face
No need to buy puzzles!


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