Animal Life Cycles (FREE File)

Monday 18 May 2015

Animal Life Cycles

At last! I was able to update my Animal Life Cycles file and I added life cycles of insects!  Yes, so many have emailed me asking about it. So sorry, I did not include it in the first edition because we were not studying it yet. 

As you can still remember, the first edition was intended to study the vertebrate group.  Read more about it in this post.  So only the life cycles of frogs, birds, mammals, reptiles and fish were in that file.

For the 2nd edition, I added the life cycles for the following insects:

  • Grasshopper (incomplete metamorphosis)
  • Butterfly
  • Dragonfly
  • Honey Bee
  • Ant
  • Ladybird

We will explore the world of insects in the week to come so we will be using this material together with our invertebrate nomenclature cards.

Hope you like. Enjoy!

Click the image for the link or here.


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