Homemade Dinosaur Fossils

Monday 25 February 2013


These homemade fossils were a huge hit!! A wonderful way to experience first hand how dinosaur fossils actually look like even if they’re just pretend.  It’s the best way to teach little kiddos how fossils were formed and how dinosaurs were dug by scientists.

Recipe for my fossil dough:

1.  Make a 3/4 cup instant coffee (need not to be hot).

2.  1 and a half cup of flour

3.  Half cup of salt

Mix everything, just like how you do with play dough. 

Press press press those dino figures in the dough :)

Bake the dough (after pressing the dino in the dough) at 180C for 30-35mins.

Linking to:

Montessori Monday


  1. I LOVE this idea! I think it would be a great one, as my children would have a blast digging them out and then getting to keep the 'fossils' after. I can already see doing this with many other things, frogs, bugs, etc - to show the same thing. Thanks for the idea!

  2. I love that you used coffee for your dinosaur fossil dough! What a great way to add color, texture, and aroma! Love it =-)

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT day =-)

  3. This looks like so much fun! Love it!

  4. Oh what a fun idea to use instant coffee! We used a sand play dough for ours, but I loved the aged look the coffee lends your fossils.

  5. I'm always amazed at how much detail comes out when you imprint miniature animals, but I've never thought to use coffee for that natural brown look. Love this idea.
