Homemade Moveable Alphabet

Monday 30 April 2012

I have always wanted to own a Montessori Moveable Alphabet because my dearest little boy is so obsessed with letters.  Sadly, I haven’t seen it here and if there’s such, we might not afford it. 

So I make use of of our printer and a white cardstock to make my own moveable alphabet without even purchasing a pdf file online.  I printed a few copies, laminated it, cut and tada!! We now have our very own moveable letters!


And because I couldn’t find any suitable storage box, I made this (see picture below) to hold our letters.  I marked the placeholder so it would be easy for my son to identify the letters.


Oh we are so happy that we get to do our pink and blue series with unlimited letters.  I realize that I should be printing more especially now that we’re doing blue series... which demands lots of c,h,s,t,k :)   It’s so nice to know that whenever we run out of letters, I’ll just have to print it!!


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Montessori Monday


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