Simple Experiments: Twinkle Twinkle Stars and {Learn & Play Link Up}

Wednesday 4 November 2015

I love simple and easy to prepare experiments.  That’s why when we received a Janice VanCleave’s book as present last year, I was so elated! I love her books of experiments!  So we are trying some of it and so far the boys are enjoying it!TwinkleStars

Objective:  To simulate the twinkling of stars in sky.

Materials needed:

  • a large square foil
  • glass bowl (preferably 2 liters)
  • tap water
  • a torch/flashlight





    1.  Crumple your square foil and place it on a table or on a floor.

    2.  Fill your clear bowl with tap water and place it on top of the crumpled foil. 


    3.  Darken the room by turning off the lights.  Hold the torch or flashlight above the bowl.  Distance from the bowl  is about 12 inches.

    4.  Observe the foil through the undisturbed water.


    5.  Now using your pencil, tap the surface of the water gently.  Observe the foil through the moving water.



    What happened? 

    The light rays reflecting from the foil when there was a movement in water appears to blur or twinkle. 


    The movement of the water causes the depth of the water to vary.  The light rays twinkle because they bend or refract in different direction when it passed through the different depths of water. 

    This is similar to the light rays of the stars.  They appear to be twinkling when you are observing from earth because they refract differently as the light rays move through the different thickness of air in the atmosphere.  Scientifically, this twinkling phenomenon is called ‘scintillation’. 

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    Source:  Janice VanCleave Astronomy

    Welcome to the Learn & Play Link Party!

    In relation to our activity this week, I am featuring space and astronomy themed activities!

    The Earth, The Sun & Stars from Every Star is Different
    Space Explorer Toolbox from Montessori By Mom
    Sensory Play for Earth Day from Mama’s Happy Hive
    Earth Day from Child Led Life
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