FREE Life Cycle Matching Cards

Friday 27 November 2015

Life Cycle Cards

I have a bunch of life cycle figures which my Aunt brought from the US few months ago.  I did not really intend to introduce it yet to Vito as he is too young.  But I observed that he’s into matching activities these days, so I managed to create matching cards for all of my life cycles. Wow, he definitely surprised me! He worked on all of these in one day and always picked this for his activity everyday! 

What we have so far:

  • Honey Bee
  • Ant
  • Butterfly
  • Frog
  • Ladybird
  • Sea Turtle
  • Chicken

    Now I’m the type of not giving everything all the same time, so I kept everything except for the turtle life cycle because we’re currently having a turtle unit. There is no way I can explain the science of life cycles to him, so I only used terminologies like “eggs, baby, and turtle”.  Then I would describe each figure/photo to him, like “there are many eggs”, “the egg is hatching and the head of the turtle is coming out, can you point to its head?”.  So many things that you can do at this time even if you are not totally discussing life cycles!


    We mostly work in the morning, that’s when the big brother is in school.  Because when Mavi’s around, there’s no way you can let him work on this without being distracted. When he’s brother is around, he just wanted to play with him and I don’t want to take that away from him.


    So I hope you enjoy the cards as much as we do. 


    Benefits of Matching Activities

  • visual discrimination skills
  • familiarity with one dimensional print and connecting it to three dimensional objects or real ones
  • one to one correspondence which is an early math skills
  • concentration

    If you want a copy, please click the links below. Enjoy!

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