Toddler Beginnings 02

Saturday 6 December 2014

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We’re reading Christmas stories with these books (Mavi and Vito).  I didn’t have time to visit the local library so these books from last year’s purchases were of great help!



For this week, we did the transferring activities.  Objects used were fruits and ribbons.  I like it when he listens and observe properly whenever I demonstrate what to do.  After which Vito would successfully emulate my actions.  It’s funny how he would drop the fruits whenever he transfers them from one bowl to another.  My guess is that he thinks these were balls.  We have this ball which is as small as these fruits and he loves making that bounce.  DSC_0162

Finally! He realized that these objects were different and started to put them nice instead of dropping.


And of course, we worked  with these ribbons as well. He can transfer them easily, though at times his fingers would get stuck in between the twirls.  DSC_0228


The week before, we had red… now we have yellow!  Objects in the basket are: book, Duplo giraffe, yellow colour card, Playskool barrel, ring stacker, squeezable cube, yellow shirt and rattle.


I would just place this basket in the sitting room where he can see it all the time and explore it.  Oh by the way, I realised it would be BEST to put on a yellow shirt as well!! DSC_0041 And he picks the book first.  And later on spilled his brother’s LEGOs, so I asked him to pick some up and put it in the box.  He obliged!  Early training for cleaning up LOL!                  

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No cutting and gluing here, simply finger painting.  I used two colours this time (Red and Yellow) to show the difference.yellow painting  e4

This was supposedly a transfer activity of utensils but he ended up using them as drums and cymbals. So yes! Making music using plates and kitchen utensils, why not?

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Lots of out door activity this week because we were blessed with a good weather!  Time to practice those motor skills!

outdoor play


  1. He is so cute! What a great way to document his life. I love these kinds of posts. One day he will look back at this and be so excited to seem himself as a baby. And wonderful inspiration for those with little ones.

  2. I love how you have everything separated into categories! My favorite is the baby arts and crafts! :) So cute.

  3. YES! Love it when kids re-purpose or create our invitations. Bang on those drums!
