Homemade Colour Cards

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Last month I made these colour cards for Vito.  My frustrations with coloured printed materials at times is that they don’t seem to produce the correct hue when it comes to colours so I decided to do it without printing (printing with best quality will cost me a lot of money).

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I used paints for my cards, used Sharpies to write the words that matches the colour and laminated once the paints dried up.  It turned out really really good!  We used it mainly for introducing colours to Vito and matching objects according to their colours. 


Recently we used the red card for introducing the red colour. More of that in this post.


My eldest Mavi loves it as well and would borrow it so he can match his LEGO bricks with the cards as well!


You can make your own, so easy to prepare and simple! I suggest that if you don’t have paints, you can either use crayons and oil pastel.  Just make sure to laminate them or cover with contact paper for longevity :)

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Montessori Monday
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Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
Home + School = Afterschool!
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