Tot School Beginnings 01

Friday 28 November 2014

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Vito is 12.5months old.

This is Vito’s first adventure in Tot School.  This is my way of journalising his wonder years, capturing his “firsts” and discoveries in the same way that I have documented Mavi’s preschool  years.


These are the books we’re reading so far for the month of November. 


2 We started our pincer grasp activities a few weeks ago and you can read about it here or by clicking the picture below.

pincer copy

As you can see, we’re using as much ‘red’ in our activities.  This is because were are exploring the colour RED as of the moment. I gathered toys like Duplos, shakers, wooden rings, blocks, pompoms and counters and place them in a basket.  The card you are seeing is a homemade colour card. 




Best way to explore the RED colour is by finger painting.  In this case, we used the Giotto Bebe finger-paint, the line of paints for kids that I truly adore.  They are 100% odourless, nontoxic, washable and has this creamy texture (not watery!). 

Vito love holding paintbrushes, so instead of giving him crayons to scribble I gave him paints for him to try using his paintbrush.   Vito loves the creamy texture and the vivid colour is so good in the eye!



I previously made these homemade shakers.  They’re plastic cosmetic bottles, with beads and pastas on it. We shake it to produce sounds, and at times I would sing children’s songs with the shakers.

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The weather has been so glorious lately.  So I took a few leaves and brought them home so Vito can play with it.     He loves holding the petiole and wave the leaf  like a flag.


Here’s Vito exploring Mavi’s school grounds. He loves it there! 


Well, that’s it for now! Hope you enjoy the post.  Till the next one!

Linking to:

Montessori Monday
TGIF Linky Party
Teach Beside Me
Preschool Corner
Teaching Mama
Home + School = Afterschool!
The Natural Homeschool
Tot School 1Plus1Plus1Equals1


  1. I love that Usborne series... That's not my... We have lots of them, and the kids never grow tired of it!

    1. We love them too! I already searched the library for some available books and will be reserving them next year once we get back from our vacation.

  2. What a great start! I had no idea what I was doing when we first started tot school and at first presented activities that my son was in no way ready for. It looks like your works are perfect for a one year old and are also really fun :)

  3. Gosh, you make me miss those days when my boys were just wee little ones! I especially love the homemade color card -- it looks pretty darn professional, actually.

    1. Oh I would also say that to others when I didn't have Vito yet :) They're growing up fast!

  4. You gave me such great ideas for my 13 month old! Love the color basket - simple to do!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  5. Looks like he had a lot of fun with so many great activities!

  6. I love that look in the very last picture ;) looks like you're having an amazing time starting tot school
    ps- LOVE your headers!
