FREE Letter Picture Booklet (RAMFBITG)

Saturday 12 December 2015

I have been preparing materials for Vito for next year’s activities and one of which are materials for our early reading program.  I taught Mavi how to read at the age of 3 years old without any fancy or expensive program, but with just the philosophies of Montessori and that’s what I’m going to do with Vito as well.  The object baskets that I posted earlier is part of this as well.

Now in addition to the baskets, I made these picture booklets last summer to go along with our early reading program.  This idea was from My Montessori Journey, one of my favourite Montessori blogs.  Based on her training, the alphabet is grouped into three: ramfbitg, cusnpolh and dexqyzvwjk.  The philosophy behind this is that, you can form words using the letters from each group and the child can practice reading the words once he or she has mastered the letter sounds.  You can skim through her blog to know more about this.  I also borrowed her idea of color coding the groups.  Red for ramfbitg, yellow for cusnpolh and blue for dexqzvwjk.

This is what my booklet looks like during the time of Mavi.  With Mavi, after I introduce a letter using the object baskets I would also read the picture booklet I made for him. When I read it, I emphasize the beginning sound like ‘mmmmm’ milk.

Vito’s version of letter picture booklet is more fancy because of the availability of materials now LOL  

Because I love my readers, I am sharing these booklets for FREE!! You can download my FIRST SET OF LETTER PICTURE BOOKLET and create your little books according to your liking.  Each letter booklet contains 6 pictures that represents the beginning letter sounds.  Here’s how I assembled the booklets.  The first set contains RAMFBITG letters.

Some important notes though.  I just prepare this ahead of time, but I will never push Vito if he’s not interested.  Mavi was obsessed with letters at the age of 2 years old and always keeps asking for “more” when it comes to literacy-related activities thus he started learning how to read at an early age.  Always keep in mind that the child’s interest vary. Vito loves pointing at things and naming them, thus I know he will enjoy these booklets.  If your child is not interested just keep the booklet away and do activities that he enjoys. 

Don’t forget to check my object baskets too!  Hope you enjoy this and watch out for the second batch as well. Enjoy!

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