Learning Materials at 21 Months and {Learn & Play Link Up}

Thursday 6 August 2015

Vito 21 Months

As you may have noticed, I have no posts on Vito for a quite a while.  It's quite difficult to put up activities for him for the past weeks as all he ever wanted was to play with big brother Mavi.  The only thing that I'm consistent of is reading of books
There were ocassions wherein I would introduce an activity or we would play together randomly, but that's just about it.  I find it refreshing though, of not thinking too much for the boys, of what they're going to do this summer. 

Anyway, it's been raining for the past few days and we're stuck at home.  Vito is turning 21 months in a few days and has entered the "sensitive years".  He has memorized Dr. Seuss ABC books, obsessed with identifying objects, learn a few dance moves through Horrible Histories and can't stop counting whenever he sees a number.  So I decided to organize a few materials for him to work on during the time big brother is in summer camp. 

21 mons

TOP:  Farm animal basket, alphabet recognition and matching cards, bristle blocks
The knobbless cylinders is a current favourite, he loves stacking them every single day.  It’s the first material he would remove from the shelf to work on.


He loves using the bristle blocks as well!  This is a nice open ended toy, that also provides sensorial to the child.

He enjoys touching the bristles!

Sorry about the letter B, Vito loves to bite it! We used the foam letters in so many ways, just like when we read books, I would present it to him whenever we encounter a certain letter.

And he recently learned how to match the letters! I made these outline cards for matching activity and I was surprised that he can actually math them!

These soft blocks are totally awesome! We’ve been using it since he was a baby, and right now it is being used for stacking activities, counting and for sensorial, as there are moulds on the sides that Vito loves to touch.

Welcome to the Learn & Play Link Party!
Here are the featured activities for this week!

Sound Sensory Jars to Make Play by Hands On As We Grow
Double Sided Tape Glitter Art Activities by Mini Monets and Mommies
Summer Side Walk Chalk Kids by Child Led Life
Felt Map by In Our Pond

Now it’s time for this week’s link party! This is a BRAND new link up for all blog posts that include learn and play activities and hands-on education for kids. We are excited to read your blog posts and to see what you have to share! Please link up below and grab our button to display on your blog.
If you are a blogger, share your family friendly posts here. We are looking for things which include:
  • Montessori Education
  • Homeschool
  • Sensory Play
  • Tot and Preschool Trays
  • Fine and Gross Motor Activities
  • Kids in the Kitchen
  • Healthy Recipes for Kids
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Natural Living
  • Free Educational Printables
  • Family-Oriented Activities
  • Healthy Living
Your post will be featured on each of our blogs where we will pick our favourite posts every other week. That means there is more of a chance that you will be featured!
Everyone, please meet our link party hosts:
learn and play party hostesses
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  • Please link up 1-3 posts
  • Follow each of the hosts on social media
  • When you link up, please add our button and place it at the bottom of your shared posts or link back with text link.
  • By entering a link, you’re giving us permission to feature an image on our blogs. Proper credit & links will ALWAYS be given.
  • Please visit a couple of shared posts and leave a comment for them
  • Remember that you must link back in order to be featured
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  1. I love all your young toddler ideas! This age is so much fun! :)
