Holiday Homecoming Part II

Sunday 25 January 2015

The highlights of our stay at my parents house were the New Year's celebration and our island beach escapade. 

It is a tradition in our family to gather  and celebrate all together on New Year’s eve.  It was Mavi’s first time to party with his grandparents, uncles and aunties.. and cousins!  (Sorry can’t post family pictures for privacy :D)

Seeing a whole roasted pig for the first time.


I was teaching him how to light a sparkler!


And the little boy so interested with this horn.


After the New Year, we headed out to an island beach resort which is 4 hrs drive from home.  I really wanted Mavi to experience how we enjoy the beach in the Philippines. It’s not just about swimming in the water but doing lots of play and island adventure as well.

Making sandcastle :)


Island hopping with cousin








Riding in front of the fishing boat is so much compared to being inside.  Mavi with my not so little brother.


Early morning walk at the beach, finding dead corals, shells and hermit crabs! DSC_0047

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Oh we are missing all of these already!! 

My son suffered separation anxiety for awhile. But I comforted him that we’ll have lots of family adventures here as well once it is springtime. I know its different with other families and relatives around, but we can’t do anything about it since they’re millions miles away from us. I love it that Mavi appreciated the trip, that he was able to appreciate the presence of other family  members and felt the love that they have for him (and his brother). 

Now I can’t wait to go back! LOL


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