Leaf Shapes

Monday 18 June 2012

Mavi and I have been collecting leaves to use for our leaf/leaves study.   I purchased this Botany Cabinet Shapes cards from Montessori Print Shop to introduce the different leaf shapes. 


Then I had my son observe each leaf that we have collected, to look at it for while and differentiate each one from another.DSC_0053

We matched the leaves to the control cards.  This portion here was very challenging.  It was hard to identify the shapes of some leaves :)



I didn’t want to dispose the leaves yet so I decided that we might take a look at leaf margins as well.  Here we tape the leaves to a white paper and observe the margins of each leaf for a while.DSC_0064 Then I made him trace the leaves.  We differentiated that some leaves have smooth margins, while others were spiky.

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This is what we ended up later.



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Montessori Monday


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